Wow, isn’t the Golden Palace stunning, and my mouth watered seeing that Parantha, and what a feeling it would be to be back in your home town and meet up with people you knew and who knew your father. ❤️

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Wow, Amritsar sounds like a beautiful city. And your grandfather was a botanist! I'm originally a botanist by training, although I no longer work as a botanist these days. Coming from a mix of cultures, all of whom migrated to result in me being a New Zealander, I get what you mean about the loss of those place-based connections with people. Bittersweet as Sue says

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Ah! another botanist! I loved botany in college. I still love to identify plants and finding their botanical names although I am a terrible gardener. Yes, we migrants have bitte-sweet memories of our homeland. Which I think is better than never leaving a place. It is only when you leave a place that you realise how much you like it. How much it is embedded in you. That connection never goes away, doesn’t matter how far you go and how long you are gone for.

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Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed your photos and writing! I find it is bittersweet to think of the loss of shared intergenerational memories and yet simultaneously enjoying the gifts of new memories and connections of our own creation. All we ever really have is this moment. Happy travels.

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Sorry for not responding earlier. Lack of time and Wifi availability can be blamed but the truth is I am so engrossed in new experiences that internet is last thing on my mind. But I am enjoying sharing some of my experiences through the newsletter. It keeps me connected with you all even though I can’t respond in timely manner.

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Hi Neera,

Thanks for posting the pictures of the college you attended and I found the Golden Temple captivating to say the least. It's nice that you get to re-visit your old roots. Please keep the stories coming, as I enjoy them so much.

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Thank you Carol, I am finding it quite invigorating to write about my travels.

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