Hi Neera,

Writing in blocks makes a lot of sense to me. Most writers who write about being consistent fail to go down to the deepest level and address life. For example, we all have situations that pop up out of no where that have to be dealth with. I set myself up a schedule to write from 8 -12 am and more if I feel like it. But to be honest with myself I write during those hours Mon. thru Friday and take Sat and Sun off. I do this because it helps me structure my days better. While working public jobs, I always looked forward to having the weekends off.

Now my schedule has evolved with my waking up naturally around 5 am and I start reading, listening to pod casts, making to-do lists, checking emails etc. I count this time as extra and focus on writing and doing my prep work.

I look forward to stop writing, working on the computer etc. and do some manual labor. I try to avoid overwhelm and do what I can in the allotted time and save myself for family or other arts and crafts.

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Writing in blocks is better than being blocked, right? Pomodoro blocks, indeed.

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