Yes I would certainly be wanting to have 15 minutes’ conversation with you. But thinking of that i kind of get totally blank on how i will make the best of thst opportunity. Will therefore need to prepare for it to make the best of every second talking to you.. really.

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Wow.. Neeraji.. today i more realised that i was not wasting my time hoping to enrich myself from you (excuse me for being candid)

Yes.. your letter spells it all out. I truly had a new realisation and outlook on writing -‘purpose beats product’ and much much more.

You were earlier good enough to convey some great critical observations on my story ‘Big Tech..’ https://link.medium.com/QNZOZ7mm2db

My confidence and hope in learning from great writers surely got one more shot tonight.

Wishing you all d v best

Take care

Mahesh Shroff

Looking forward

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